“A’s” light-filled, glamorous boudoir session

When we began talking, “A” shared that she had been considering doing a boudoir session for a while. She said that while doing a boudoir session was something that felt outside of her comfort zone, she really wanted to do it for herself. I totally commend her for this! I hear this sentiment from clients often -- that doing a boudoir session feels a bit scary, but in a really good way -- and really admire the courage it takes to step in front of the camera.

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Suzanne’s grounded, artistic boudoir session

Suzanne reached out to me after thinking about a boudoir session for a long time. (This is actually super common -- often, clients have been thinking about doing a boudoir session for months or even years before they feel ready to reach out to me!) She loved the idea of boudoir photography and was at a point in her life where she felt really good in her body and was ready to document it.

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Naked and unafraid: how much clothing should I wear during my boudoir session?

I’ve found that many folks feel a bit unsure what the options are when considering how much skin they’ll be revealing during their boudoir session. My goals for this blog post are to 1) emphasize that however much skin or little skin you choose to show, your portraits will be BEAUTIFUL, and 2) help you feel as unafraid and excited for your boudoir session as possible!

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